What readers say about Oded’s book Ever Improve:
Ever Improve is the culmination of over 20 years work by Oded Cohen, who has devoted his life to the enhancement and motivation of people from many, many countries and with a great range of personal needs arising from their life difficulties and their business needs. I have deep personal experience of his influence in both contexts; to the extent that use of the thinking from the Theory of Constraints and Oded’s common sense and fresh interpretations of challenges have become part of my own credo.
I am indebted to him beyond gratitude and hope that many will begin their journey through his teachings with this valuable book.
Tony Doughty, Jonah, Chairman and Owner, Premier Percussion Ltd, UK
It is with great honor that I am able to write my experience about the U-shape MTO implementation presented in Ever Improve. I had learnt the U-shape MTO injections from the Goldratt Schools Application Expert Program. It is not just another methodology on paper. We have implemented the injections in one factory which maintains 100% Due Date Performance over 600 days consecutively. It is terrific! I have found that the tightly integrated injections are fully harmonized in a logical sequence to create desirable effects and effective performance measurements.
Henry Soo, Managing Director, DataDevelop Consulting Ltd, Hong Kong
I got the book Ever Improve two months ago. It’s for sure the best book written on MTO. This systematic approach to improve the system has yielded us impressive results, using it together with the S&T (RRR) in order to keep the synchronization within all company areas. The U-Shape is a very strong method to present knowledge to the people who are in charge to do what needs to be done, and more important, to stop doing the wrong things that harm improvement. Implementing injection by injection has focused us and has accelerated the process.
Juan Esteban Xibille, Director de Operaciones, Creatum S.A, Colombia
In many industries short lead time and due date performance (DDP) is the name of the game. If you are working in a Make to Order environment, you need to ask the questions: Do you measure the DDP? Do you perform well? If not, do you know how to manage systematically? With Oded’s guidance, Intem implemented the MTO solution. We almost doubled our profit in 2009, while the market was going down by 25 percent. Thank you, Oded, for your guidance and your valuable book.
Erhan Eyüboğlu, Managing Director, Intem, Istanbul, Turkey
Since October 2009, we have launched a new model of production scheduling and planning. It was developed strictly by following the rules established in the book Ever Improve. The results we have got in improving DDP are simply outstanding. The improvement in DDP has been from 80% to 98% on some production lines, and on others from 60% to 96%. Our lead time has reduced considerably.
After this implementation, the work of the production department has been entirely different. We work with less stress. Some clients have even thanked us for being more reliable in DDP. Our WIP went down to levels we had never expected. Our bottom line has improved.
I want to thank you, Oded, for your book – it is a very clear guideline for implementing the TOC production solution in a Make to Order environment.
Fabián Vargas, Plant Manager, Finotex S.A., Colombia
I read Ever Improve four times in two weeks. Full, of vital knowledge in a clear and easily read style, and which is not taught or available in such a package anywhere else today. Essential reading and reference for anyone serious about using TOC profitably – inspirational and captivating.
Oded has taken his profound and deep knowledge of every aspect of TOC, gained through practice and teaching over 30 years, and communicated it using a straight-forward, direct style; where others in his position might have been more interested in promoting themselves. Oded has done what he has practiced and written a book that teaches, capturing for history what might have been lost and what is needed to support the ongoing generation and dissemination of TOC knowledge. This book is vital information for future practitioners.
Oded has created innovative graphics that actually fit and help to explain the text. The new U pivot diagram of the TOC Thinking Processes, the documentation combined with diagrams that explain the current reality of the VAT plants types (first defined in 1984) and the linking to a diagram of the Injections – which make up the Make to Order TOC process of improvement to the buffer management zones – is absolutely brilliant.
John Tripp, Goldratt-TOC, Scotland (UK)
Recommended sequence of working with Jelena’s books
- Start with the book Behind the Cloud, Chapters 1-3 – to learn how to construct a good Dilemma Cloud.
- Then move to the book Mistakes and Difficulties in Working with TOC Logical Tools, Chapters 1-8 – to learn in detail how to avoid mistakes in constructing a Cloud.
- Return to Behind the Cloud and work through the book until the end – to learn in detail how to surface good assumptions that can lead you to find solutions.
This combination of material will enable you to build good enough clouds and equip you with good understanding and practical tips how to work with assumptions and develop injections.
If you want to have further understanding of different types of Clouds and build solid knowledge on how to develop UDEs and how to work with UDE Clouds:
- Move to the book Through Clouds to Solutions, and also read Chapters 9-10 in Mistakes and Difficulties
- Read Mistakes and Difficulties to the end
To get solid understanding of how to work with the Strategy and Tactic Tree:
- Move to the book A Good Strategy & Tactic Tree
What readers say about Jelena’s books:
Every so often a book comes along that fills a gap, that makes us say, “That’s just what I was looking for.” Many of us in the TOC community consider the cloud to be our most powerful and most frequently used TP tool. We users will appreciate the careful attention Jelena Fedurko has given to our favorite construct, the cloud. Her knowledge of this tool, and her understanding of the logic behind it, are clearly expressed in these pages. The ample examples and detailed explanations make this unquestionably the most powerful book on clouds yet written. She has upgraded all of our knowledge, and provided a permanent addition to the TOC body of knowledge. We are all in her debt. If you are serious about TOC, you must own this book. – Forward to Behind the Cloud by Dr. Alan Leader
Your book [Behind the Cloud] has been a perfect support for me to dig further into the Cloud’s mechanisms, and its relationship with the other TP tools.
I’m quite a TOC newcomer, but already a big fan. I’m getting into Clouds and I heard very good feebdacks about your book.
I have read your book Behind The Cloud and enjoyed it very much. I learned many new ideas. Thank you.
We recently acquired the book “Behind the Cloud” by Jelena Fedurko. An excellent guide to raising assumptions in a cloud!
I am one of the guys that I watched your presentation back in Germany about the UDE clouds and I also bought your new book [Through Clouds to Solutions]. I just wanted you know that I found your book just great! You did excellent job setting it up the rest of us. I found it extremely useful – I have read it 10 times and I advise it time. It is really excellent!
I just wanted to thank you for your well written book [Mistakes and Difficulties in Working with TOC Logical Tools]. This is great read for anyone wanting to REALLY understand clouds and CRTs.
Your previous books have been so good, I look forward to receiving your S&T Book.
All of your books are excellent. Clean, clear, quick, no-nonsense teaching material.
I have begun using “Through Clouds To Solutions” to properly frame UDEs (reference 10 Rules) – & intend using it extensively to make UDE clouds and the onwards are core conflict & CRT, using the Three Cloud Method. This is acknowledge your work has been ‘big big help’ – difficult to imagine how I would have managed it without your explanations, error examples & workbook exercises… I feel sorry for many TOC practitioners who are wanting to master cloud technique but are either unaware or not fully connected your work, for whatever reasons – pity are not benefiting your immense contribution this area…..!
Your book [Mistakes and Difficulties in Working with TOC Logical Tools] arrived last night is fantastic! I have not stopped reading it.
We work together with you
- jelena@tocexpert.com
- Mobile & Whatsapp +3725644623
- We work all over the world, our office is:
Tartu mnt. 16, Tallinn, Estonia