The Power of the Question ‘What for’


Jelena Fedurko-Cohen

A practical guide how to bring results

To think about ‘What for?’ is fascinating, and not easy.

Handled correctly, this question has a huge potential for developing individuals and businesses. In this book I look into various aspects of the question ‘What for?’ and present my latest development –    a new logical tool called the Branch Three What fors. The purpose of this logical tool is to ensure that effort and capacity spent for doing an action will bring expected results.

The book presents two applications of the Branch Three What Fors –  for checking a suggested action and for developing a solution from scratch – and will take you through detailed explanations and examples. It is a true practical guide how to bring results.

Table of Contents

  • About the Author
  • Foreword by Oded Cohen

Part 1. What for vs Why 

  • Chapter 1. Why and What for
  • Chapter 2. The Cause-Effect Matrix for Why and What for
  • Chapter 3. Are Why and What for interchangeable?
  • Chapter 4. It is only a mirage that we always know what for we have taken an action
  • Chapter 5. What for in business and management
  • Chapter 6. Measuring the expected outcome: what – by  when – what conditions

Part 2. Linking actions to their What for

  • Chapter 7. We gave out the prize!
  • Chapter 8. How to link actions to their objectives
  • Chapter 9. Actions must be measurable and must have early warning signals
  • Chapter 10. Linking actions to their objectives: breaking down higher level objectives to smaller targets
  • Chapter 11. Linking actions to their objectives: the three questions

Part 3. The Branch Three What fors for CHECKING the Action

  • Chapter 12. Making the link between an action and its outcome is a skill that can be learnt
  • Chapter 13. Adding measurements to the objective
  •  Chapter 14. Shortening the logical distance between the action and its objective
  • Chapter 15. The 3rd What for: what is its purpose?
  • Chapter 16. On what conditions? Identify and Check
  • Chapter 17. The unchecked Action can bring financial damage
  • Chapter 18. A New Action
  • Chapter 19. Deriving specifications and detailed activities for the Action
  • Chapter 20. If you are not sure that you will achieve the Immediate Objective, it means you are conducting an experiment!

Part 4.Two algorithms for the Branch Three What fors

  • Chapter 21. The 7-step Algorithm for checking the planned Action
  • Chapter 22. The 9-step Algorithm for building a solution

Part 5.The Branch Three What fors and other Thinking Processes Tools

  • Chapter 23. Where does the Branch Three What fors fit?
  • Chapter 24. How is the Brunch Three What fors related to the Strategy & Tactic Tree, and how is it different?
  • Afterword from the Author 

The book is 209 pages, soft covers.

The book can be bought directly from Jelena Fedurko-Cohen. Write to or