Management for Results

Management for Results is a set of effective management tools to quickly improve the results through a tight control and immediate response.

Management for Results concept is the same as in Buffer Management: tight continuous monitoring to trigger predetermined response to the predetermined and clearly visualized signals. 

Why we developed Management for Results?

Problems in companies persist regardless current systems and methods.

Companies have:

  • ERP systems,

  • Own Production Systems resembling TPS,

  • Established platforms and systems for running their internal and external supply chains,

  • Methods for solving problems and for Continuous Improvements such as Shopfloor meetings, A3, PDCA etc.,

  • Meetings, meetings and more meetings,

  • PowerPoint presentations, targets and action plans…

Nevertheless, Management struggle to close the gaps!

Our conclusion: They have the infrastructure, but the actions and decisions taken are not suitable for getting the expected results.

A brief overview of Management for Results Tools