Strategy and tactics
for achieving breakthrough improvements
International experts
TOC implemetations worldwide
Over 40 years of work with Dr. Eli Goldratt
Over 40 years the Theory of Constraints (TOC) has been helping companies all over the world develop their decisive competitive edge.
We offer companies expert support and professional views on how to ensure rapid growth and sustainable development.
We help companies develop breakthrough strategic, operational and marketing solutions, and build up mechanics and mplementation plans.
We closely work with implementation teams, and together we achieve the desired results.
We transfer TOC and mechanics to managers and internal implementation teams to create self-sufficient teams capable of bringing sustainable results.
Implementation audits help system leaders and improvement teams see not easily apparent emerging problems that may hinder the progress towards the desired results.
Implementation audits it identify opportunities for improving company operational and financial results.
We offer TOC programs and master classes of levels – the workshop for beginners to upgrades of seasoned TOC practitioners.
Our programs given it successfully applying TOC in managerial areas.
We are co-founders and co-presidents of TOCPA – an international TOC Practitioners Alliance that unites TOC practitiоners from 22 countries all over the world.
TOCPA provides a reach bank of reliable ТОС materials in five languages, with nearly 500 videos, 500+ pdfs, 200+ terms, and 50+ articles and publications. The materials are free and easily accessible the ‘Video & pdf’ tab.
We are authors of 8 leading books and tens of publications on TOC Fundamentals, Concepts and Solutions.
Among our contribution to TOC body of knowledge are Ever Improve approach; the structured of injections for managing production, supply chain and projects; new technics of working with TOC logical tools and many others. Our books are written in English and Russian, and translated to Japanese, Chinese and Spanish.
A Good Strategy and Tactic Tree – new book by Jelena Fedurko
We have founded international pool of TOC experts at unties experienced TOC professionals of 12 countries.
All tocExpert Network members have many years of extensive TOC implementations and developing new technics and solutions. We have known each other and worked together for many years.
The TOCPA portal provides free access to 600+ videos and 600+ pdf materials seven languages, in tocExpert Network experts, TOC practitioners and companies that implemented TOC share knowledge, mechanics, and latest developments.
We have established tocExpert ThinkCamp as international center for further development of TOC concepts and tools. It is located on Baltic Sea coast, in picturesque village Vergi in Lahemaa National Park, 80 km east of Tallinn, Estonia. In ThinkCamp meet with TOC Experts and Practitioners, conduct upgrades, development sessions and training programs.
Our long-standing colleagues and friends from TOCPA and tocExpert Network contribute their time, and expertise to conduct TOCPA Expert Webinars. You see recordings of webinars and the calendar of upcoming webinars here.